Sam Hawke
Sam Hawke has wanted to write books since realising as a child that they didn’t just breed between themselves in libraries. Having contemplated careers as varied as engineer, tax accountant and zookeeper Sam eventually settled on the law. After marrying her jujitsu training partner and travelling to as many countries as possible, Sam now resides in Canberra, Australia raising two small ninjas and two idiot dogs.
Her debut novel, City of Lies, won the 2018 Aurealis Award for Best Fantasy Novel, the 2018 Ditmar Award for Best Novel, and the 2018 Norma K Hemming Award. Sam was also a finalist for the Astounding Award for best new writer at the 2020 Hugos. Hollow Empire concludes the Poison War series and was published in December 2020.
Sam is on Twitter as: @samhawkewrites
Winner of the Aurealis Award for Best Fantasy Novel 2018
Winner of the Ditmar Award for Best Novel
Winner of the Norma K Hemming Award