Devin Madson signs with Julie Crisp Literary Agency

I am beyond thrilled to announce that Devin Madson, the hugely talented author of WE RIDE THE STORM has signed with the agency. It was actually fellow antipodean, Sam Hawke who recommended I read this exciting novel: a clash of cultures and a battle for an Empire, and once I picked it up I just couldn’t put it down.


War built the Kisian Empire and war will tear it down. And as an empire falls, three warriors rise.

Caught in a foreign war, Captain Rah e’Torin and his exiled warriors will have to fight or die. Their honour code is all they have left until orders from within stress them to breaking point, and the very bonds that hold them together will be ripped apart.

Cassandra wants the voice in her head to go away. Willing to do anything for peace, the ageing whore takes an assassination contract that promises answers, only the true price may be everyone and everything she knows.

A prisoner in her own castle, Princess Miko doesn’t dream of freedom but of the power to fight for her empire. As the daughter of a traitor the path to redemption could as easily tear it, and her family, asunder.

As an empire dies they will have to ride the storm or drown in its blood.

With amazing quotes already, and a finalist on Mark Lawrence’s Self-Published Blog-Off competition 2018, Devin is a fabulous author writing fresh and original epic fantasy and I’m thrilled to be working with her.

Just some of the amazing reviews for WE RIDE THE STORM which Devin published in June last year:

'Open up your thesaurus and look up the word “underrated.” Devin Madson’s name truly belongs there’ Novel Notions

'Epic fantasy of the highest quality . . . Intricate, compelling and vividly imagined’ Anna Stephens, author of Godblind and Darksoul

‘A complex and immersive story that catapults the reader through a gripping series of adventures and doesn’t let go until the final electrifying pages’ Fantasy Book Review

‘A visceral, intriguing, intense and emotionally charged ride’ Grimdark Magazine

I asked Devin about what inspired the creation of this series:

‘When I sat down to write WE RIDE THE STORM (Book One of The Reborn Empire series) all I was thinking about was continuing a story, of coming back years later to see how the characters from my first trilogy had (for the most part) messed everything up. But the opening line changed all my plans. A whole new culture and conflict, whole new characters and concepts, were born from that single line. “It’s harder to sever a head than people think.” Before it there were no Levanti, no unbending, unyielding Rah, and after it I wanted to tell a story about a clash of cultures, where a lack of understanding and tolerance added to the already insurmountable challenges facing characters trying to find their way in a brutal, war torn world. Where the story history will one day tell will be very different to the raw story of three narrators on different sides of the same conflict. ‘

About the author: Devin Madson is the Aurealis Award-winning author of In Shadows We Fall. Having given up on reality she is now a dual-wielding rogue with a lot of points sunk into stealth and lock picking skills.

Anything but zen, Devin subsists on tea and chocolate and so much fried zucchini she ought to have turned into one by now.

If you’re after happy, fuzzy tales then you’ve come to the wrong place. Her fantasy novels come in all shades of grey and are populated with characters of questionable morals and a liking for witty banter.