
Submitting my first client

Submitting my first client

Yes, so we have finally reached the stage where I went out yesterday to publishers on both sides of the pond with my very first client Sam Hawkes who I took on in June last year. 

You may be asking - why has it taken so long? Well the simple answer is, it takes time to craft a book. Sam's original submission was wonderful, fabulously written with original characters and some great world building. But my previous role was as an editor and editors like to tinker with words. Okay - maybe not so much tinker as ravage, pillage and reorder. 

A Day in the Life of an Agent - with Juliet Mushens

A Day in the Life of an Agent - with Juliet Mushens

Do authors actually need an agent to get traditionally published? What is it an agent actually does? How easy is it to get one and what will they do for you that you can't do for yourself? Juliet Mushens takes us through a typical day for her in the life of an agent.